Op-Ed: It’s finally time to tackle the national debt

Read Gov. Kasich's latest op-ed in The Hill:


"On Election Day, voters sent a resounding message — they want a new direction. So, with a new team preparing to take command of the White House and Congress, now is the time to recognize the vulnerabilities created by our national debt and excessive spending — and do something about it.

It takes discipline, planning, the willingness to make hard choices and, yes, bipartisanship to make big changes. As much as new leaders always feel like the world is theirs, the reality is that Congress is very narrowly divided. Votes from across the aisle will be needed to get anything done.

Our national debt is the wolf lurking in the forest, waiting to pounce. It is not a phantom problem, and it will not go away. The giant reset of this election gives us a chance to do something about it and make the choices that can unleash the cascade of benefits of greater fiscal responsibility — lower taxes, lower interest rates and greater national financial security.

Washington’s new leaders should act swiftly with meaningful, sustainable spending reduction, entitlement reform and debt reduction — and not fear bipartisanship if that’s what it takes. It won’t be easy, but the debt’s hunger is only growing, and it won’t stop unless we act quickly and decisively."

Read the full op-ed (here).

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